Board of Fire Commissioners

Board Members

Timothy J. Reynolds (U), Chairman
Craig W. Mansfield (U), Secretary
John W. Cotter (U), Treasurer

1 Plains Road
P.O. Box 385
Moodus, CT  06469
860-873-5025 fax

The Board of Fire Commissioners is a group of three members appointed by the Board of Selectmen for 3 year terms.  They meet at the Municipal Office Complex, Meeting Room 4 at 5:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. 


The Board of Fire Commissioners shall have the following duties:

  • To enter into an agreement with the East Haddam Volunteer Fire Department for protection of the Town from fire.
  • To enter into mutual aid agreements with other entities pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 7-310.
  • To appoint a local Fire Marshal and such Deputy Fire Marshals as may be necessary, giving preference in making such appointments to members of the East Haddam Volunteer Fire Department, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 29-297.
  • To supervise the care of all fire equipment and buildings and to  make appropriate arrangements for the reasonable maintenance thereof.
  • To recommend the purchase of new apparatus and equipment as needed.
  • To prepare and submit to the Selectmen an annual budget for the maintenance and proper care of all fire equipment and buildings, and, as appropriate, for purchases and for long-term capital planning.
  • To purchase additional apparatus and equipment as voted by the Town.
  • To attend, as circumstances permit, fire-emergency calls in order to observe the condition of apparatus and the efficiency of the East Haddam Volunteer Fire Department, but without authority to direct operations.