Boards   /   Commissions   /   Commission on Aging
Commission on Aging

Commission Members

Joseph F. Sina (U) Chair
June L. Guertin (U) Vice-chair
Barbara A. Davis (D) Secretary
Jovita A. Cozean (D) Treasurer
Elaine V. Flaherty (U)
Maureen Gillis (U)


Mary Ellen Klinck (D)

Brad Parker, Senior Services Coordinator

15 Great Hillwood Road
Moodus, CT  06469
(860) 873-5034 phone
(860 873-5198 fax

The Commission on Aging is a group of seven members and 2 alternates appointed by the Board of Selectmen for 3 year terms.  They meet at the Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of the months of January, March, May, July and September.  The November meeting is the third Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
The Commission on Aging is charged with seeking out problems faced by seniors, looking for solutions and offering advice and support to the Municipal Agent.