Sustainability Team

Team Members:

Tanya M. Bourgoin (D), Chair
Amalia Shaltiel (D), Secretary
Adam P. Bristol (D)
A. Tereza Garrity (R)
Kayle A. Lopez (U)
Amber R. McDonnell (U)
David P. Oakes (U)
Jesse S. Scott (D)
Matthew T. Shea (D)
R. Wade Tomlinson (D)

1 Plains Road
 P.O. Box 385
 Moodus, CT  06469

The East Haddam Sustainability Team meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. via zoom. The public and volunteers are welcome to ask to attend or to send comments to

The Sustainability Team was created by a supporting resolution of the Board of Selectmen on January 16, 2019 and repopulated by the Board of Selectmen in April 2022.

The mission of the team is to document, support and educate municipal and local organizations and residents of East Haddam on best sustainable practices to create a thriving and equitable community in East Haddam, using guidelines created by Sustainable CT.

Sustainable CT in a nonprofit organization created through the council of municipalities with a mission to foster inclusive, resilient, and vibrant Connecticut municipalities that provide opportunities for all to thrive by: providing a menu of sustainability actions that build local economies, support equity, and respect the finite capacity of the environment; offering technical assistance to help advance sustainability initiatives; and recognizing and certifying municipalities for their achievements.

The Sustainability Team completed 20 actions in 2022 and was awarded a Bronze certification for the Town. The certification action report can be accessed here :

The Sustainability Team is at present working on Silver Certification and Climate Leadership Certification.

Our focuses this year are: 

•Collaboration with Public Works Department on Recycling and Composting education

•Collaboration with Economic Development Commission on a Business Directory  

•Supporting the Broadband Implementation Committee in their Campaign to educate residents and businesses about community broadband

•Collaboration with The Conservation Commission on Invasive Species education.

Partnering with Energize CT for an Energy Assessment and Heat Pumps Campaign

Informing Businesses about C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) is an innovative solution enabling all types of commercial properties to make green upgrades to new and existing buildings. Higher   performing buildings are made possible thanks to an experienced contractor network and access to attractive financing repaid through a simple and secure repayment mechanism. East Haddam is a member of C-PACE program.