Town Resilience
John Olin, Conservation Commission, Chair of Resilience Subcommittee

Core Group

Todd Gelston, Board of Finance
Bernie Gillis, Conservation Commission
Peter Govert, President, East Haddam Land Trust
Amalia Shaltiel,Sustainability Team
Michele Velez, Public Works Director

Goals and Objectives:  

Following an April 2023 workshop conducted by The Nature Conservancy, the Town and members of the community are focused on making the town resilient in meeting the ongoing challenge of a different climate.

Earth's average temperature is going up and is expected to go up for the rest of the century.  This can result in more major hurricanes, warmer winters and less snow pack, extreme rain events, dry periods and drought, extreme heat and invasive species of plants and insects.

We encourage Town residents to become part of the conversation.  It is about what we are doing and can be doing to make everyone safe in an emergency.  It is about preparing East Haddam for future weather conditions of a generally warmer, wetter climate and environment.

Community Resilience Building, Summary of Findings - April 2023.pdf 


  • Sunday, September 17, 2023 from 3:00 - 5:00pm at the East Haddam Grange Hall
    All are welcome to attend a community meeting for an informal discussion on climate change: local effects and responses. The meeting will be educational and also an opportunity for residents to engage in discussions regarding how changes in the climate effect families, property, town infrastructure and our natural resources of forests, lakes, rivers and streams. The discussion will be facilitated by members of the East Haddam Conservation Commission, the Sustainability Team, the East Haddam Land Trust, along with other community leaders.
  • Monday, July 17, 2023 from 11:00am - 12:30pm  (YouTube Meeting Recording)
    Resiliency Workshop Follow up Meeting:  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Summary of Findings which The Nature Conservancy submitted as a record of our priorities for building community resilience.  The meeting will include identifying the most important priority actions in the summary, a review of the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, an update on CIRCA and Goodspeed regarding the Succor Brook corridor and a discussion about community involvement in resilience planning for the public forum in October.