In accordance with §12-111 and §12-117, the Board of Assessment Appeals shall meet during the month of March (or April if extension is granted). For appeals of Motor Vehicle assessments, the Board meets annually in September.
The Board may elect to decline to hold a hearing for any commercial, industrial, utility or apartment property with the assessed value in excess of $1,000,000.
In the case of inclement weather, please call the Assessor's Office at (860) 873-5026 for instructions regarding postponement or cancellation of your hearing.
Application and Meeting Deadlines:
Pursuant to §12-111 and §12-117, as amended, property owners wishing to appeal their assessment before the Board of Assessment Appeals must submit a written application to the Board of Assessment Appeals on or before February 20. (In the event that an extension has been granted, usually during revaluation years, appeals must be submitted on or before March 20.)
The Board will review the written application, determine their meeting dates and inform owners of a hearing date and time. The Board of Assessment Appeals will mail a written notice of the date, time and place of an appeal hearing to each applicant.
A notice of the hearing date will be mailed by the Board no later than March 1, and at least seven calendar days before the date of the hearing.
If You Wish To Appeal Your Assessment You Must Do The Following:
The Board of Assessment Appeals CANNOT reduce the list of any person who DOES NOT APPEAR, either in person or by his agent to answer any and all questions regarding his/her taxable property.
You may appeal the decision of the Board of Assessment Appeals to the Superior Court in accordance with §12-117a.
Information Which Must Be Included on the Application to Appeal:
§12-111 requires that the application to appeal an assessment must contain certain information and items.
The minimum requirements are: