Board Members
Edward C. Blaschik (D) 2025, Chairman
Deborah Langdon (R) 2027
Justin L. Kennedy (R) 2029
1 Plains Road
P.O. Box 385
Moodus, CT 06469
860-873-5042 fax
This board is designed to serve as an appeal body for taxpayers who believe the town has made an error in the valuation of their property or has erroneously denied them exemptions.
The Board of Assessment Appeals will meet in March for Real Estate, Personal Property and supplemental Motor Vehicle assessments. To file an appeal, the taxpayer must make written application on or before February 21st; appear, or have his or her attorney or agent appear, before the Board at one of its meetings; and answer all questions concerning his or her taxable property in East Haddam.
Application forms are available upon request in the Assessor’s Office or this website. For appeals of Motor Vehicle assessments, the Board meets annually in September.
It is the duty of the three elected members of the Board to process each appeal by reviewing the property in question to determine whether the assessment should be reduced, raised, or left unchanged. The Board, as required by law, notifies each taxpayer in writing as to the action taken in response to the appeal.