Motor Vehicle Assessment, Appeals and Adjustments

Motor vehicle assessments are determined annually at 70% of average retail value using the N.A.D.A.Vehicle Pricing Guides, in accordance with Connecticut General Statute 12-71d. Motor vehicles registered in the Town of East Haddam on October 1st will be taxed the following July. Vehicles registered any time after October 1st and before the following September 30th will be taxed on the supplemental list in January.

Motor vehicle assessments billed in July may be appealed the following September to the Board of Assessment Appeals. No application is necessary for the September appeals.

Motor vehicles billed on the supplemental list in January may be appealed at the Board’s March meeting. A request for a hearing must be made by February 20th in the form of an application or a letter addressed to the Board of Assessment Appeals, P.O. Box 385, Moodus, CT 06469. The letter should include owner’s name and address, the vehicle being appealed and a reason for the appeal.

Legal Notice September 2024 Public Hearing.pdf 
2024 Assessment Appeal Application - Motor Vehicle 

The Department of Motor Vehicles does not notify the Assessor’s Office when a motor vehicle is disposed of. If your vehicle was sold, traded, donated, totaled, stolen, repossessed, or registered out of state you may be entitled to a prorated credit or a full or partial refund of your tax bill. If the registration was transferred to a replacement vehicle the credit will automatically be applied to the replacement vehicle on the Supplemental Tax Bill in January.

If the registration was not transferred to a replacement vehicle, two forms of documentation are required in order to prorate the tax bill:

Cancelled plate receipt from Connecticut DMV

One of the following:

  • Bill of sale signed by both parties
  • Trade-in papers
  • Junk dealer receipt
  • Cancellation of insurance
  • Donation receipt
  • Police report
  • Repossession statement
  • Out of state registration
General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 860-873-5042
Emergencies: Dial 911
1 Plains Road
P.O. Box 385