
East Haddam has one polling district.  

Elections are held at the Municipal Office Complex gymnasium, 1 Plains Road, Moodus pursuant to ordinance

Referendum location is not specified, they may occur at the Municipal Office Complex gymnasium or at the Old Town Hall, Town Street, opposite the First Congregational Church depending upon scheduling. The warning will identify the polling location.

Eligibility to vote. At any town meeting other than a regular or special town election any person who is an elector of such town may vote and any citizen of the United States, at least 18 years of age, who jointly or severally is liable to the town for taxes assessed him on an assessment of not less than one thousand dollars on the last completed grand list of such town. CGS 7-6. (Referendum is an adjourned town meeting).


Absentee ballot sets are to be provided by the municipal clerk beginning 31 days before an election, 21 days before a primary, or 19 days before a referendum, upon application properly made.  Blank ballots may be sent out to certain military persons beginning 90 days before a regular election and to Connecticut electors temporarily residing outside the U.S. and all military persons beginning approximately 45 days before a regular election, approximately 30 days before a primary and as soon as a complete list of candidates and questions is available before a special election.

For Referendum, The Town Clerk is to have absentee ballots available within 4 business days after the questions to be voted on are finalized.

Absentee balloting is a two step process, a ballot set cannot be is issued until an application has been presented. 

Absentee_Ballot_Application - Regular Election

You may also request your ballot on line.  The link below will take you to a third party site which will generate a report for the Clerk's Office to issue your absentee ballot from.  This feature is ONLY available for elections, it is NOT available for referendum.

ON-Line_Application Portal


 Referendum AB application.pdf 

For a referendum with less than 3 weeks’ notice, please use the following Application for Absentee Ballot for Referendum Authorized to Be Held with Less Than 3 Weeks’ Notice (please note these ballots cannot be mailed to you): 

If you have a permanent disability, you may be eligible to apply for a permanent absentee ballot. Contact your local Town Clerk for details.  Permanent absentee ballot status only applies to elections, it does not override the referendum rule where ballots cannot be mailed.

ED-3A-ENG-REV-5-22.pdf (ct.gov)

Connecticut Law only allows those registered voters affiliated with a party to vote in that party's primaries


Voter registration cards can be printed, completed and forwarded to:

1 Plains Road

PO Box 385

Moodus, CT 06469

voter registration card

military voters may wish to review vote@fvap.gov or call the Clerks office regarding absentee voting while stationed away from home.


Click on the link below to see East Haddam election history.


eEcris search

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 860-873-5042
Emergencies: Dial 911
1 Plains Road
PO Box 385
Moodus ,

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm