Permits expire every two years and are mandatory for access to the Transfer Station. Permits are valid for two calendar years starting July 1 - June 30. These permits are not valid for commercial waste by in town business owners. In town businesses disposing of waste not generated from a private residency will be required to obtain a commercial license. Click here for Commercial License Application
Renewals - If you are looking to renew your TS permit for the 2024_2026 Calendar year use this link, ONLINE RENEWAL FORM fill out online form and your new permits will be mailed to your mailing address indicated on your renewal form.
** If you are looking to obtain a 3rd or 4th permit submit payment at the Transfer Station weigh scale or mail to Town of East Haddam, TS Renewal, POB 385, Moodus, CT 06469. Permits will be processed upon receipt of payment.
New Applicant - If you are seeking to obtain a TS permit for your first time, use this link, ONLINE NEW APPLICANT FORM fill out online form and email a state issued identification to or mail a copy of your state issued identification to Town of East Haddam, Transfer Station Application, POB 385, Moodus, CT 06469
** If you are looking to obtain a 3rd or 4th permit submit payment at the Transfer Station weigh scale or mail to Town of East Haddam, TS Renewal, POB 385, Moodus, CT 06469. Permits will be processed upon receipt of payment.
If you prefer to use paper application click here Town of East Haddam_permitapp_2024_2026.pdf for a printable version of the application. This application can be used for Renewal or New applicant. Note: If you are "New applicant" Be sure to return application with a copy of your state issued identification. Applications can be dropped off at the Transfer Station Weigh Station (M-F 7am - 4:45pm; W 6am-5:45pm; Saturday 7am - 1:45pm) , Municipal Office Complex, First Selectman's Office (M-W-TH 9am - 4pm; Tuesday 9am - 7pm; Friday 9am - 12pm) or at Public Works, Monday - Thursday 8am - 11am or 1pm - 2pm.
If you are dropping of application off an at Transfer Station or Municipal Office Complex please allow 14 days for processing.
** If you are looking to obtain a 3rd or 4th permit be sure to bring a check, cash or credit/debit card for payment due with application. Credit Cards will only be accepted at Transfer Station Weight station. Credit Card Acceptance will be announced. If dropping off at MOC be sure to include check with application for processing.
Please allow for up to 14 business days for processing. Permits will be mailed or can be picked up upon completion of application process.
Please note that full details are in the Resident Guide or our FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).
Transfer station Residents guide 2024_2026.pdf
Transfer station FAQs May 2024_2026.pdf
Note: The new biannual permit for 24_26 will also allow access to all town properties requiring permit