Bids, RFPs & RFQs

Town Government Bids, RFPs & RFQs

All Invitations to Bid, Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications for Town Government are processed through the Selectman's Office.  The legal notices for any bids, RFP's or RFQ's currently active will be listed here.  Complete packages with plans and specifications will need to be requested from the Selectman's Office by calling (860) 873-5021 or emailing the office at unless otherwise noted.

Redevelopment Planning for Downtown East Haddam
Legal Notice-RFP Redevelopment Planning.pdf 
RFP Redevelopment Planning 2025.pdf 

Emergency Medical Staffing Services (RFP closing date 5/16/23 at 2:00pm) - in review
Legal Notice-RFP Emergency Medical Staffing Services 2023.pdf 
RFP Emergency Medical Staffing Service - Addendum #1.pdf 

Request for Developer Qualifications (RFQ)

Request for Proposal Document (RFP) - In negotiations
1 & 7 Main Street, East Haddam, CT 

The Swing Bridge Landing proposal can be viewed at the following link:

Supporting Documents - 1 & 7 Main Street, East Haddam, CT
Appendix A - Mobility Improvement Study for EH Village - Fuss & O'Neill 2004
Appendix B - Town Office Site Re-Use Study - Harrall-Michalowski 2006
Appendix C - East Haddam Village, EHVRC - Fellner Associates Architects 2010
Appendix D - 2008 East Haddam Plan of Conservation & Development
Appendix E - September 26, 2018 EH Village Revitalization Committee Minutes
Appendix F - CERC Town Profile 2018
Appendix G - Partnership for Strong Communities Housing Data Profiles
Appendix H - EH Zoning Regulations - Section 9.5 EH Village District
Appendix I - EH Historic District Guidelines
Appendix J - CT River Gateway Adoption of Village District Regulations 2005
Appendix K - Survey 1 & 7 Main Street
Appendix L - Water Pollution Control Authority Regulations 2005
Appendix M - Environmental Site Assessments

Appendix N - 1 Main Street Assessor Card
Appendix N - 7 Main Street Assessor Card

East Haddam Village Concept Plan - Rob Smith.pdf 

Board of Education Bids, RFPs, RFQs

All Invitations to Bid, Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications for the Board of Education are processed through the Board of Education Office.

The legal notices for any bids, RFP's or RFQ's currently active will be listed here.  Complete packages with plans and specifications will need to be requested from the Board of Education Office by calling (860) 873-5090 or emailing the office at unless otherwise noted.

General Information
First Selectman
Irene M. Haines
Executive Manager
Linda J. Zemienieski
Phone Numbers
Fax: 860-873-5025
Emergencies: Dial 911
1 Plains Road
P.O. Box 385

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.