Roundabout Project Update - Haddam

CTDOT has provided the below two week lookahead for the Roundabouts project. 

UPDATE 9/3/24:

Northern Roundabout:  Anticipate alternating one-way traffic along 154 during the overnight hours as drainage and watermain work resume.
Southern Roundabout: The Southern Roundabout will continue to be very active. The biggest construction related traffic impacts will be as follows:
1.  Lane Shift of Route 154 occurred Friday 8-31-24. Contractor re-striped the intersection of Route 154 to accommodate the new traffic barrier pattern. Concrete barrier was shifted, Monday 9/3/24, to match the newly painted lines. This will be the new configuration for the near future.
2.  Contractor plans to start full depth reconstruction at the southern limits of the south roundabout.

  • Contractor will be excavating out the existing pavement and will be backfilling with processed aggregate. During this activity, the travelling public will be travelling along process aggregate, compacted gravel material, for the time being.
  • During this time, the contractor will have cones and lane divider signs running along route 154 to delineate where the traffic needs to go.
*Please note the contractor is allowed 10 Calendar Days for the travelling public to ride along process aggregate before it needs to be paved. Please notify the public to use caution and to expect the pavement to be removed starting Monday 9-8-24*
3. The remaining traffic impacts will be truck traffic entering and exiting the site for material and equipment deliveries.
Please note the contractor is not allowed to impact traffic within the following timeframes (within shifting stages):
Monday through Friday: 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
All traffic patterns and/or project work are subject to change as necessary. Construction of this nature requires flexibility as it requires the coordination of many sub-contractors and sequenced work.  

UPDATE 8/19/24:

Northern Roundabout: No work expected on the North Roundabout over the next couple of weeks. The contractor, Richards, has allocated all of their manpower to the day shift for the upcoming Bridge Install. Nightwork/Drainage will resume the first weeks of September.
Southern Roundabout:  The Southern Roundabout will continue to be very active.  Most of the work here will still occur off the roadway behind the barrier and pertains to the bridge construction.  The current orientation continues as the staging for the foreseeable future.  There will be slight lane adjustments on Route 154 going both north and south just North/At the Intersection with the Rte. 82 Connector.  The contractor will be placing concrete barriers and removing the existing guiderail to accommodate these lane shifts.  The biggest construction related traffic impacts will be as follows:

  • Truck traffic entering and exiting the site.
  • The pre-cast concrete bridge is to be set tentatively on Tuesday 8-27-24.  This work will include delivery of the 13 excessively large precast concrete pieces, unloading and then setting each piece. Richards will be utilizing a crane while setting the pieces which may require stoppage of traffic.  The contractor is allowed 10 minutes of full vehicle stoppage at a time.
  • Material/Equipment Deliveries.
Please note the contractor is not allowed to impact traffic within the following timeframes (within shifting stages):
Monday through Friday: 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
All traffic patterns and/or project work are subject to change as necessary. Construction of this nature requires flexibility as it requires the coordination of many sub-contractors and sequenced work.  

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