Notice of Referendum October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015 REFERENDUM

The Electors of the Town of East Haddam are hereby warned to meet at the Town Meeting Hall, located at 492 Town Street in East Haddam on Thursday, October 1, 2015 to cast their vote on the following question:

Shall the Town of East Haddam rescind the action taken at the Special Town Meeting of June 19, 2013 authorizing the Town to accept a STEAP grant in the amount of $431,200.00 to undertake the Center for Community Agriculture Project and to enter into an Assistance Agreement associated therewith?

Notice is hereby given that the location of the polling place shall be the Town Meeting Hall, 492 Town Street, East Haddam.

Voting tabulators will be used.  The polls will be opened at six o’clock in the morning and will remain open until eight o’clock in the evening (8:00 p.m.)  Absentee ballots are available at the Town Clerk’s Office.

Dated at East Haddam, this 22nd day of September, 2015

Debra H. Denette
East Haddam Town Clerk

Sample Ballot

Explanatory Text