Commission Members:
Andrew W. Lord (R), Chair
Edward C. Blaschik (D)
Robert R. Casner (D)
Richard J. Fiala (R)
Richard L. Pettinelli (R)
John L. Russell (U)
1 Plains Road
P.O. Box 385
Moodus, CT 06469
860-873-1565 fax
The Commission meets the third Tuesday of even months, with the exception of holidays. Meetings are held in the Municipal Office Complex at 1 Plains Road, Moodus and begin at 7:00 p.m.
Authority of the Commission
The East Haddam Water Pollution Control Authority serves the community in four main capacities. One is the oversight of the operation and maintenance of the East Haddam Village sewer treatment plant and collection system.
The second function is to review septic systems for large facilities that produce flows of over 5,000 gallons per day. It is the Authority’s charge to ensure proper measures are in place for the continued proper operation and maintenance of these facilities.
The third is to work in conjunction with the other Commissions and Boards to review plans and proposals along with analyzing existing systems for their impact on East Haddam’s natural resources. The Commission has endorsed a sewer avoidance program that is consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development.
The fourth duty of the Authority is its membership in the Southeastern Connecticut Water Utility Coordinating Committee process. This Committee’s charge, as designated by Connecticut Public Act 85-535, is to insure a safe and adequate supply of water for all residents and to develop plans that meet the community’s needs. The Authority will oversee the development of a water supply plan that covers the next fifty years.