Zoning Application
East Haddam Land Use Office
P.O. Box 385
1 Plains Road
Moodus, CT 06469
860-873-1565 fax
Application procedure for a new home construction Zoning Permit:
*Please note that the zoning/building permit application is a carbonless copy and is therefore not available to print out*
- Applicant must submit a complete zoning/building permit application, and include the zoning application fee of $360.
- Three copies of an A-2 site plan for the proposed construction, scaled at 1”= 40’ or larger. The proposed site plan shall include the house location, well, septic with test pit results and Minimum Leaching system Spread (MLSS) calculations, footing drain outlet, driveway location, areas of proposed clearing and grading, delineated wetlands soils, conservation easement areas, and erosion controls.
- Submit any previously received approvals from the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Historic District Commission, and the Zoning Board of Appeals.
- Submit the driveway application and pay the driveway bond fee ($500 if driveway is off of a paved town road, $250 if driveway is off of a dirt town road).
- Applicant must submit two sets of complete building plans.
- Complete a Chatham Health District application.
- When all of the above items are completed, submit the entire package to the Land Use Office with the appropriate fees (call for fees).
Procedure for applying for a Zoning Permit:
*Please note that the zoning/building permit application is a carbonless copy and is therefore not available to print out*
- Complete a zoning/building permit application.
- Submit two sets of complete building plans.
- Submit three copies for the proposed construction or activity indicating distances to property lines, and the location of the septic and well(s).
- Submit any previously received approvals from the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Historic District Commission, and the Zoning Board of Appeals.
- Complete a Chatham Health District application.
- When all of the above items are completed, submit the entire package to the Land Use Office with the appropriate fees (call for fees).